We are by law unable to eradicate native species such as – Cockatoos, Currawongs, Ducks, Ibis, Parrot varieties, Pee wee’s, Magpies and Swallows.
Please use the guide below to help you identify which pest birds we can help you to remove.
We are by law unable to eradicate native species such as – Cockatoos, Currawongs, Ducks, Ibis, Parrot varieties, Pee wee’s, Magpies and Swallows.
Please use the guide below to help you identify which pest birds we can help you to remove.
Common Name: Feral Pigeon / Rock Dove
Family Name: Columbidau
Scientific Name: Columba Livia
Status: Introduced, Not Protected
Common Name: House Sparrow
Family Name: Passeridae
Scientific Name: Passer Domesticus
Status: Introduced, Not Protected
Common Name: European Starling / Common Starling
Family Name: Sturnidea
Scientific Name: Sturnis Vulgaris
Status: Introduced, Not Protected
Common Name: Indian Myna / Common Myna
Family Name: Sturnidae
Scientific Name: Acridotheres Tristas
Status: Introduced, Not Protected